Keeping you up-to-date with our latest happenings
A picture is worth a thousand words
The spectacular photos that Paul Choy has captured thus far, as part of his Walk Mauritius journey, truly tell amazing tales of the beautiful contry of Mauritius and its people.
Read MoreA time for patience
When the famous Russian author, Leo Tolstoy, wrote, ‘The two most powerful warriors are patience and time’, he could not have foreseen how perfectly it would sum
up today’s global predicament.
Can investors trust the media?
Investors are swamped with tips in newspapers, on television and online, but are media pundits worth their salt? The media has always fed off individuals’ insatiable appetite to take a punt on the stock market – offering ‘expert’ tips and forecasts in a bid to sell newspapers to investors or direct eyeballs to a television show or website. There is little doubt these forecasts are highly influential.
Read MoreThe winners and losers from Covid-19
Almost every business around the world is affected by Covid-19 in one way or another. While some have been forced to completely close, others have welcomed a tsunami of new customers that had not even heard of their product a matter of weeks before the crisis hit
Read MoreSanlam’s Pinggera: The role of a fund manager in ‘unprecedented times’
Head of multi-strategy at Sanlam Mike Pinggera speaks to Mike Sheen about how the firm’s multi-asset portfolios and Real Assets fund have held up during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, and how our
working lives might change when the crisis subsides.
The question of whether the market contraction offers a great entry point into equities depends on one’s view of the economic impact that Covid-19 will have and whether any of that impact will be permanent
We bring you current commentaries to unpack areas of interest in the financial sector
Sanlam Multi Strategy Fund and Sanlam Real Assets Fund update (October 2019)